[Mobilepartners] BlackBerry Internet Service / Scheduled Outage & Upgrade

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 27 13:48:37 EDT 2008

Hello All:

We have received unofficial information (I'm waiting contact from our  
RIM Rep for an Official announcement) regarding scheduled maintenance  
outage and upgrade of RIM's BlackBerry Internet Service.

BlackBerry Internet Service will be upgraded from v2.4 to v2.5. This  
is a significant upgrade and is reported to include many feature  
enhancements for BIS users. This upgrade is also in preparation for  
BlackBerry's next-generation 9xxx series devices.

The outage is reported to occur tonight @ 12:00 midnight (28 June 2008  
00:00:00 EDT) and last till 8am (28 June 2008 08:00:00 EDT). Due to  
the scheduled outage users may be unable to send or receive messages,  
use the BlackBerry Internet Service website, and or perform BIS  
account changes. Users may also experience a backup of email messages  
and a delayed arrival when then system comes online.

Once I receive official information about the changes to BlackBerry  
Internet Service, I will be sure to pass it along to the community.

Matt Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services & Technology - SWRT
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu\

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