[Mobilepartners] Apple iPhone Firmware update - Version 1.1.3

Barbara Johnson bdoyle at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 16 11:09:11 EST 2008

So far it looks great!

I really like the ability to customize my Home page and dock.  I've  
already added icons for my frequently used web pages such as Google.

The video overview on the Apple site also mentioned imap support  
should now be available for Gmail users?  Haven't checked that out yet.

Just for fun...
iTunes is now offering movie rentals.  I might use this if I could  
find any content with closed captions.  While iTunes and Quicktime now  
support captioning, I've yet to see any content providers stepping  
up.  If anyone finds captioned content in their travels please do let  
me know.


On Jan 15, 2008, at 4:05 PM, Matthew Sullivan wrote:
> To All:
> Quick FYI, Apple has released their 1.1.3 Firmware update for the  
> iPhone today. In order to get this update, you will need to update  
> your iTunes via the Apple Software Updater (both in Windows and  
> Mac). This will update your iTunes to version 7.6, which will then  
> allow you to update your iPhone to firmware version 1.1.3.
> Some of the updates with this latest firmware is as follows:
> - Location trianglization via the iPhone's Maps application. This  
> will allow you find your current location (similar to a GPS) and  
> will display your location on the map. Granted there is a degree of  
> error, but great for giving a general location.
> - Hybrid map view, which will combine both map and satellite views.
> - Web Clips
> - Customize home screen by repositioning any of the icons and create  
> up to nine different home screens.
> - Ability to send SMS Text messages to multiple people, the iPhone  
> will also save of the history of the text message so you could again  
> send another message to the same group at a later time.
> (Above Information from AppleInsider.com)
> Apple also has a video showing the new updates and features:
> (http://www.apple.com/iphone/gettingstarted/guidedtourupdate2/)
> Regards,
> Matt
> .............................................................................
> Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Information Services & Technology - SWRT
> P: 617-253-6445
> E: irishman at mit.edu
> Team Email: mobile-help at mit.edu

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