[Mobilepartners] VoIP IAP Sessions

Elliot Eichen eeichen at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 14 13:38:05 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues:

In conjunction with the migration of telephony services at MIT to Voice over
IP technology, IS&T will offer three IAP sessions related to IP Telephony.
These IAP sessions are Tuesdays at 1:00 starting tomorrow, January 14: 

  VoIP Series - SIP Fundamentals 
  Tue Jan 15, 01-02:30pm, 4-149

  VoIP Series - Personal SIP Account Workshop 
  Tue Jan 22, 01-02:30pm, 4-231

  VoIP Series - Build, Test, and Deploy VoIP Applications with Asterisk and 
  other Open-Source Applications 
  Tue Jan 29, 01-02:30pm, 4-231

No advanced sign up is required.  See http://student.mit.edu/iap/nsis.html
for details.

Regards, Elliot Eichen

Elliot Eichen, Ph.D 
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room N42-169
Cambridge, MA 02139
eeichen at mit.edu

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