[Mobilepartners] AT&T Coverage Issues

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 23 12:03:27 EDT 2008

AT&T Users:

Has anyone else experienced significantly poorer AT&T signal strength  
and coverage lately?  I'm located in N42 and typically have 3-4 bars  
of Voice coverage and full 3G/HSDPA data coverage. As of last week or  
so, I'm receiving no bars to 2 bars with significant fluctuations in  
signal which in turn is causing many dropped calls. Data coverage is  
very poor also. I have tested this on a couple AT&T devices and it  
seems to be consistant.

If anyone else is having issues or experiencing what I've described  
above, please let me know along with your location.

Matt Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services & Technology - SWRT
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu
Team Email: mobile-help at mit.edu

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