[Mobilepartners] iPhone Review Roundup

Joanne Larrabee jwl at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 27 08:15:15 EDT 2007

On Jun 26, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Andrew Yu wrote:

> Apple iPhone reviews are starting to flow in.

For those who like their info via audio:

iPhone Review: 'Flawed, But Absolutely Beautiful' (David Pogue)
Audio for this story will be available at approx. 9:00 a.m. ET

Also linked from that page:
Seven Things to Consider Before Buying an iPhone

Joanne W. Larrabee
jwl at mit.edu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services & Technology
Computing Help Desk, Client Support Services

77 Massachusetts Ave, Bldg N42-140
Cambridge, MA  02139

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