[Mobilepartners] Hotsync and Outlook 2007

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 11 13:15:52 EST 2007

Hi Wes,


I will contact Palm's technical support and see if there will is any update on HotSync application that works with Outlook 2007 in the near future. I have not tested this yet, but it seems to be a problem with other users outside of MIT. 


Until there is a resolution, it will be best to advise users to either use SyncML (wireless sync calendar directly to TechTime Server). I would hesitate to recommend PocketMirror just yet as a) we have not tested this yet with Outlook 2007 (esp. with Oracle Connector for Outlook) and b) it costs $49.95.







From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Wesley Esser
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:54 PM
To: mobilepartners at mit.edu
Subject: [Mobilepartners] Hotsync and Outlook 2007


Hi all - 


I just installed Outlook 2007 today, and lo and behold, Hotsync conduits don't work.  It looks like Chapura PocketMirror will work with 2007, but I was wondering if anyone had heard anything about 2007 support from Palm.  If I don't have to pay, it'd be nice.  More importantly, this will be something that we want to alert people to before they go upgrading to 2007.


Any thoughts?



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