[Mobilepartners] IAP Session: SIP: More than VoIP

Dennis Baron dbaron at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 16 08:25:13 EST 2007

Sorry for the delay in setting up SIP accounts for those that attended
the IAP session, SIP: More than VoIP.  Most accounts should be working
but there are a few that are not yet available.  I will contact those
individuals when their accounts are working.

To access your account go to:


MIT certificates are required to access your account web page.  VoIP
pilot users will also see their assigned VoIP phone(s) listed along
with their personal SIP account.  By default your SIP account will
forward to your published MIT phone number when you are not online
with a SIP client.  You can change the forwarding on the web page.

In order to use a SIP client (eg. hard or soft phone) you will have to
reset the SIP password on the web page.  It is strongly recommended
that you do NOT use your Kerberos password or any other highly
sensitive password for your SIP account.

Instructions for configuring the Counterpath X-Lite SIP client are on
the SIP Users wiki at:


SIP users are encouraged to add to add or update information to the
wiki including information on SIP applications or devices that they
are using.  Currently this SIP service is available to a limited
number of users that are interested in experimenting with SIP.
Questions can be sent to the mobilepartners at mit.edu mailing list.

Slides from the IAP session are at:


			Dennis Baron


Dennis Baron; Information Services & Technology    mailto:dbaron at MIT.EDU
Senior Strategist for Integrated Communications      xmpp:dbaron at MIT.EDU
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Room W92-155   sip:dbaron at MIT.EDU
77 Massachusetts Avenue; Cambridge, MA 02139-4307    tel:+1-617-252-1232


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