[Mobilepartners] Reminder: Mobile Partners User Group Meeting

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 15 09:00:53 EST 2007

Good morning,

This is a reminder that there will be a Mobile Partners User Group 
Meeting tomorrow (Friday, 2/16/07) at N42 Demo Center.

Verizon Wireless will be coming to present their devices and service 
roadmap. The meeting will take place at N42 Demo Center and refreshments 
will be served compliments of Verizon. They may bring some give-aways, 
so please be there. Also, if you have any specific questions or issues, 
it would be a good time to ask them directly. A representative from 
Palm, Inc. will also be present to answer questions.

Have a great day!

Andrew J. Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building W92-140B
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Phone: 617-324-8985
Fax: 617-258-8736
Email: AndrewYu at mit.edu

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