[Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 4 17:02:36 EDT 2007

SyncML/Tech Time weirdnessHi Jon and Joni,

Thanks for the detailed info. I will include these cases in the Mobile 
Devices Release Project as we move forward with our testing.

When TechTime server is "happy", the problems that you are describing may 
not get duplicated. (I just ran a test and I could not duplicated the 

I have seen my share of end-user problems and typically the end-users are 
"confused" as to how the problem cannot be duplicated when I sit down with 
them. This is not to say that the problems don't exist, but they are hard to 
track down as these issues seem to depend on the state of the server at the 
particular time.

I don't know when we may be able to get access to the server to obtain 
additional information about these types of cases, but it will be crucial 
part of the mobile devices release project.

In monitoring Corporate Time mailing list (outside MIT), there are questions 
raised about the various configurations of Oracle Calendar server and 
concerns about what happens when tens/hundreds/thousands of users hit the 
server with SyncML at the same time.

So, the "best practice" (until we gain a better understanding of the server 
condition and potentially make changes) is to be aware that TechTime Server 
(especially the module that deals with SyncML) may malfunction from time to 
time. Manual clean ups including repeated "update device" or "reload device" 
sync will be necessary with lots of patience.

Once again, we will document these known issues during the Mobile Devices 
Release Project. When you do encounter these errors, please send email to 
mobliepartners at mit.edu.


Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jonathan McIndoe Hunt
  To: jcyr at mit.edu ; 'Andrew Yu'
  Cc: mobilepartners at mit.edu
  Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:16 PM
  Subject: RE: [Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness

  Hi Joni,

  I have been seeing the Daily Notes and Daily Events and MIT Holidays 
showing up as all day meetings on my Windows Mobile 5 device with SyncML and 
reported it to Andrew as a low priority last week.  I also noted an error 
503 one morning in the past few days, but couldn't reproduce it on the 
second attempt so moved on and did not report that.

  I do not have any duplicates of the Daily Notes or Daily Events on my 
Windows Mobile calendar, but do end up sometimes with duplicates of the 
mysterious day long meetings of the same name.



  Jonathan McIndoe Hunt     MIT EECS '97 617.253.0172

  Manager Software Services

  Client Support Services

  Information Services & Technology, MIT


  From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU 
[mailto:mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Joan Cyr
  Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:06 PM
  To: 'Andrew Yu'
  Cc: mobilepartners at mit.edu
  Subject: [Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness


  I went to sync my calendar today (knowing that I had added a lot of 
entries in my desktop calendar) and when I did, I noticed that all the 
'notes' I had on my calendar got duplicated on my palm.  So I did another 
sync, and I got error code 403.  I did another sync and got error code 503 
(twice); I did an update device and a reload device, and both times got 
error code 503.

  Then, I let it rest for about 10 minutes.

  I did another 'normal' sync, and it appeared to sync with no errors, but 
now, on my desktop calendar, all the 'notes' I had (which were sent to me as 
invitations from others) AND the Institute holiday notes have been 
duplicated as 'all day meetings' on my calendar, and it looks like I'm the 
'proposed by' person.

  Anybody else seen this?  I'm all for trying anything.


  Joan M. Cyr
  MIT Information Services and Technology
  5ESS Technical Consultant
  Room E19-687
  400 Main Street
  Cambridge, MA  02142
  (617) 253-7900
  jcyr at mit.edu
  FAX: (617) 253-5300

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