[Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness

Joan Cyr jcyr at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 4 16:05:53 EDT 2007


I went to sync my calendar today (knowing that I had added a lot of entries
in my desktop calendar) and when I did, I noticed that all the 'notes' I had
on my calendar got duplicated on my palm.  So I did another sync, and I got
error code 403.  I did another sync and got error code 503 (twice); I did an
update device and a reload device, and both times got error code 503.  

Then, I let it rest for about 10 minutes.

I did another 'normal' sync, and it appeared to sync with no errors, but
now, on my desktop calendar, all the 'notes' I had (which were sent to me as
invitations from others) AND the Institute holiday notes have been
duplicated as 'all day meetings' on my calendar, and it looks like I'm the
'proposed by' person.

Anybody else seen this?  I'm all for trying anything.


Joan M. Cyr
MIT Information Services and Technology
5ESS Technical Consultant
Room E19-687
400 Main Street
Cambridge, MA  02142
(617) 253-7900
jcyr at mit.edu
FAX: (617) 253-5300 

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