[Mitworld] Richard Camilli on the Gulf Oil Spill, Panel on Civic Media and the Law

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Wed Jan 26 11:35:08 EST 2011

MIT World Newsletter

Volume 10, Number 26 |  January 26, 2011


Probing the Plume
November 17, 2010

In a richly detailed and highly accessible talk, Richard Camilli from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
describes novel research he performed in the depths of the Gulf to quantify the disaster, helping 
to settle heated conflicts swirling around the oil gushing from BP’s broken well head.


Richard Camilli SM '00, PhD '03
Associate Scientist, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Event Host:
MIT Museum

"We were all on the steep part of the learning curve. Part of the problem was that no one had ever 
tried to measure leaks before at that depth ... It was pretty high stakes for us scientists. I 
didn’t get a lot of sleep at night."
-Richard Camilli


Civic Media and the Law
November 4, 2010

While these panelists diverge on the precise metaphor -- ‘picking through a minefield,’ ‘hacking 
through the underbrush,’ ‘navigating uncharted waters’ -- they all agree that the web poses novel 
dilemmas and hazards for truth-seeking and speaking citizens.


Micah Sifry
Co-founder and Editor, Personal Democracy Forum

Event Host:
MIT Communications Forum

"We’re sitting on top of this Cambrian explosion of information and participation. It feels like our 
systems for filtering are way behind the raw flow. It’s almost like the stuff spewing up from the 
bottom of the Gulf. That’s the information space we’re in right now."
-Micah Sifry


In The Pipeline:

Perceptive Mobile Robots Working Safely Alongside Humans

Presented By:
Transportation at MIT

Seth Teller
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


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