[mitreid-connect] Storage of Tokens in DB [I]
Justin Richer
jricher at mit.edu
Mon Dec 12 17:45:23 EST 2016
They’re stored this way so that the token value itself can be recognized when used later on. We could store just the JTI field for the token instead and base it on the signature and everything else (I think there’s an issue filed for that), but we decided very early on to store the token as-is as a string.
— Justin
> On Dec 12, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Dominik Schmich <dominik.schmich at db.com> wrote:
> Classification: For internal use only
> Hi Team,
> why are the tokens additionally store in the Database as VARCHAR? Isn’t there enough detail in the Database existing e.g. expiration, etc.
> Kind regards,
> Dominik Schmich
> ---
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