[mitgis] what's new with GIS services this semester?

Jennie Murack murack at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 5 09:29:21 EST 2014


Welcome back to campus! We've been busy during January and have some updates for you:

*         We conducted 17 workshops on GIS and mapping during IAP. If you missed a workshop, see our Previous Workshops page<http://libguides.mit.edu/previousgisworkshops> for presentations, exercises, and data.

*         Our Spring semester open help hours began on Monday. Meet with a GIS specialist in the lab Mon-Thurs 1pm-5pm and Fri 2pm-4pm. No appointment necessary!

*         We just acquired the LandScan Global Archive and now have access to LandScan data from 2000 to the present (currently 2012). LandScan is 1 km population data and the finest resolution available for many places. You can access it online from campus or using the VPN<http://wms.cartographic.com/LandScan>.

*         We purchased 3 new, touchscreen GPS units.<http://libguides.mit.edu/content.php?pid=347508&sid=2844956> They can be checked out at the Rotch circulation desk for 1 week or email us (gishelp at mit.edu) if you need them longer.



Jennie Murack
Geospatial Data Librarian and Statistics Specialist
MIT Libraries, 7-238
murack at mit.edu

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