[Mitai-announce] Fwd: Reminder :The worst Industrial disaster in human history : Documentary screening with director (Thursday 3rd Feb, 6:30 pm)
Elan Pavlov
elan at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 2 18:23:41 EST 2011
----- Forwarded message from karthikshekhar at gmail.com -----
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 17:55:23 -0500
From: Karthik Shekhar <karthikshekhar at gmail.com>
Students for Bhopal at MIT, Association for India's development at MIT and
the Boston Coalition for Justice in Bhopal are together bringing the award
winning director Max Carlson to Boston for a special screening of his
critically acclaimed documentary "Bhopali". The screening at MIT will happen
on Thursday, February 3rd at 6:30 pm.
We hope you can catch him in one of these screenings. A really flattering
review of Bhopali was just released in Variety Magazine (
Karthik Shekhar (Students for Bhopal, MIT)
*When :* Thursday, February 3, 2011 (6:30pm)
*Where:* MIT, Building 6, Room 120
The event is Free and Open to the Public.
Watch the Movie Trailer
Add to your Facebook
*About the Documentary:*
BHOPALI is a feature length documentary about the world’s worst industrial
disaster, the 1984 Union Carbide gas leak in Bhopal, India. Thousands were
killed and up to 500,000 were affected by the contaminants. 26 years have
passed since the disaster, yet the suffering continues and, for the victims,
justice has yet to be seen. Award winning director Van Maximilian Carlson
presents a modern portrait of shattered lives in the community surrounding
the abandoned Union Carbide factory. We focus on survivors of the disaster
and their families as they continue life amongst the indelible remainders of
contamination and death. Set against a backdrop of high stakes activism,
global politics, and human rights advocacy, this film explores the ongoing
struggle for justice against Union Carbide, the American corporation
responsible for the disaster. Featuring Noam Chomsky, Satinath Sarangi, and
attorney Rajan Sharma.
*About the Director, Van Maximilian Carlson
Van Maximilian Carlson, born November 1984, is a Los Angeles-based director,
editor, and cinematographer who has worked on numerous projects including
documentaries, commercials, trailers, and several original dramatic films.
His directorial works have received numerous awards, such as a “Special Jury
Award” at the 40th Annual USA Film Festival, the “Most Promising Director
Award” at the Bualo Niagara Film Festival, and the “Best Director Award”
the Toronto International Teen Movie Festival for a short film he completed
while in high school. He directed and shot DISSOCIATIVE (2008), which went
on to win a “Best thriller Award.” His film, NINTH NOVEMBER NIGHT (2004),
was considered by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Documentary Screening Committee to be “one of the outstanding documentaries
of 2004.” His editorial work has also been recognized and awarded three
Promax/ BDA awards and one Key Art nomination.
*Association for India's Development
(AID) is a volunteer movement committed to promoting sustainable, equitable,
and just development. In solidarity with non-violent people's struggles, AID
supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various
interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources,
health, women's empowerment, and social justice.
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Student,
The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Office: E19-536
Tel: 617-999-6155
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Student,
The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Student,
The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Student,
The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
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Dear list moderators,
Kindly forward this reminder to your subscribe Karthik
On behalf of students for Bhopal at M
Students for MIT and the Bosto bringing the award winning d special screening of his critically acc The screening at MIT will happen on pm.
We hope you can catch him in one of these screenings. A really
flatterin ([1]http://www.variety.com/review/VE11
Karthik Shekhar (Students for Bhopal, MIT)
Wh Where: MIT, Buildi The event is Free and Open to the Public.
Watch th <[2]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttD-1oT9M7M>.
Add to your Facebook
Event<[3]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=177 About the Documentary:
BHOPALI is a feature length docu industrial disaster, the 1984 Union Carbi India. Thousands were killed and up to 500,000 were contaminants. 26 years have passed since the disaster, yet suffering continues and, for the victims, justice has yet to be seen.
A portrait of abandoned Union Carbide fa disaster and their families as they con indelible remainders of contamination and death. Set backdrop of high stakes activism, global politics, and human rig advocacy, this film explores the ongoing struggle for justice against
U disaster. Featur Rajan Sharma.
About the Director, Van Maximilian Carlson
Van Maxim director, editor, projects including document original dramatic films. His dire numerous awards, such as a “Special Jury Awar Annual USA Film Festival, the “Most Promising Director A the Bualo Niagara Film Festival, and the “Best Director Award at the Toronto International Teen Movie Festival for a short film he
co (2008), whi NINTH NOVEMBER NIG Picture Arts and Science “one of the outstanding documenta work has also been recognized and awarded th and one Key Art nomination.
Association for India's Development <http://www.aidindia.org/>
(AID) is a voluntee equitable, and just developm people's struggles, AID supports gr and initiates efforts in various interconne education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, wom empowerment, and social justice.
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Student,
The Laboratory for C Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
O Tel: 617-999-6155
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Stud The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Insti Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
Karthik Shekhar
Graduate Stud The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massachusetts Insti Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
Karthik Shekhar
G The Laboratory for Computational Immunology,
Massach Office: E19-536
Tel: 217-979-9852
1. 3D"http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.variety.com 2. 3D"http://www.google.com/url?s 3. 3D"http://www.=/
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