[Mitai-announce] Fwd: Sri Lanka event this Saturday!
Julia Yoo
juliayoo at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 27 15:34:42 EDT 2009
*Read below for details!! *
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leonid Chindelevitch <leonidus at mit.edu>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:43 PM
Subject: Sri Lanka event this Saturday!
To: mitai-exec at mit.edu
Hi everyone,
Here is the final announcement for this Saturday's event we are
co-sponsoring; I
am sorry about the delay, but I didn't want to send it out until we
all the details. Could someone please forward this to mitai-announce today?
am also going to have posters ready for pickup at Copytech early tomorrow
Thanks a lot!
We mark the 62nd anniversary of the formal independence of South Asian
countries from colonialism on this day. We affirm our commitment to the
struggle for true democracy and social justice in South Asia and we express
solidarity with all movements against injustice and oppression.
We invite you to a panel discussion on
*The Challenges of Democratization in Post-War Sri Lanka
Ahilan Kadirgamar
Priya Suntharalingam
*Food to follow!*
*$10 suggested donation; no one will be turned away from dinner for lack of
Building 4 Room 231 - MIT
August 29th Saturday 4:00 PM
Ahilan Kadirgamar is a Sri Lankan Tamil democracy activist who has been
monitoring and writing about the peace process for several years. He is the
spokesperson for the Sri Lanka Democracy Forum.
Priya Suntharalingam, is a junior at Winchester High School. In February of
this year she underwent a hunger strike for 12 days in support of civilians
under attack in Sri Lanka.
Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia
The South Asia Forum at MIT
Amnesty International MIT
Association for India?s Development
South Asians for Progressive Action" (SAPA).
Matahari- Eye of the Day
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