[Mitai-announce] Fwd: Vigils to Close Guantánamo, January 11, 2007-Reminder

Shankar Mukherji mukherji at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 8 13:00:47 EST 2007

The vigil in our area is being held at Cambridge City Hall, please let me know
if you want details on when, how to get there, etc.


----- Forwarded message from aiusane at aiusa.org -----
    Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 11:16:31 -0500
    From: AIUSA NE <aiusane at aiusa.org>
Reply-To: AIUSA NE <aiusane at aiusa.org>
 Subject: Vigils to Close Guantánamo, January 11, 2007-Reminder
      To: Sherri Anderson <sanderso at aiusa.org>


Dear Amnesty Northeast Activists:

A grim milestone in human rights is quickly approaching: January 11th 2007
marks the fifth anniversary of the transfer of the first detainees to the
US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Five years later, despite
widespread international condemnation and evidence of torture, cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment, hundreds of people from more than 30
nationalities remain imprisoned.

We are asking groups to plan vigils or rallies in front of their local or
federal courthouse or other visible locations such as a town square or on
campus--on January 11th, 2007 to educate the public and demand that the US
government end this dark chapter in US history by closing the facilities
in Guantánamo Bay and disclosing the rest of the detention centers.

Amnesty International asks you to take at least one of the actions below:

1) Organize a vigil or rally on January 11th calling for Guantanamo Bay to
be closed
2) Host a film screening, a letter writing party, or a teach-in about
Guantanamo and torture
3) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper, or your school paper
4) Sign and distribute Amnesty’s “America I Believe In” pledge

You can download an action guide which includes talking points, rally
slogans, sample press releases, sample letters to the editor, and fact
sheets at: http://denouncetorture.amnestyusa.org.

You can also find information on vigils/rallies already planned at:

Please let me know what actions you plan to take.  For questions or
assistance related to any of the suggested actions above, or if you
encounter any problems, do not hesitate to email or call.

Together, we can put an end to the horrors of Guantanamo and envision an
America that leads the world on human rights.

In solidarity,

Matthew Kennis
Amnesty International Northeast Region
mkennis at aiusa.org

Cynthia Gabriel
Amnesty International Northeast Region
cgabriel at aiusa.org

----- End forwarded message -----
-------------- next part --------------

   PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY TO THE MEMB   Dear Amnesty Northeast Activists:
   A grim milestone in human rights is quickly approaching: January 11th
   2007 marks the fifth anniversary of the transfer of the first
   detainees to the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay   years later, despite widespread international condemnation and
   evidence of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, hundreds
   of people from more than 30 nationalities remain imprisoned.
   We are asking groups to plan vigils or rallies in front of their local
   or federal courthouse or other visible locations such as a town square
   or on campus--on January 11th, 2007 to educate the public and demand
   that the US government end this dark chapter in US history by closing
   the facilities in Guantánamo Bay and disclosi   detention centers.
   Amnesty International asks you to ta   below:
   1) Organize a vigil or rally on Janu   Bay to be closed
   2) Host a film screening, a letter w   about Guantanamo and torture
   3) Write a letter to the editor of y   paper
   4) Sign and distribute Amnesty†  In” pledge
   You can download an action guide whi   rally slogans, sample press releases, sample lette   and fact sheets at: http://denouncetorture.amnestyusa.org.
   You can also find information on vig   http://www.amnestyusa.org/events/nor   http://www.amnestyusa.org/events/nor   theastern/01112007closeguantanamobay.html
   Please let me know what actions you plan to take.  For questions or
   assistance related to any of the sugge   encounter any problems, do not hesitate to email or call.
   Together, we can put an end to the h   envision an America that leads the world on human rights.   In solidarity,
   Matthew Kennis
   Amnesty International Northeast Regi   mkennis at aiusa.org
   Cynthia Gabriel
   Amnesty International Northeast Regi   cgabriel at aiusa.org

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