[Mitai-announce] Film Festival: LORD OF WAR

Shankar Mukherji mukherji at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 24 14:49:33 EST 2006

Hi everyone,

Surprisingly "Beyond Rangoon" was pretty much impossible to locate!  But 
instead we have quite a treat planned instead - Amnesty International teamed
up with the makers of the newly-released-to-DVD film "Lord of War" to promote
awareness on the issue of small arms trafficking and its destabilising role in
civil conflicts all over the world (especially after the fall of the Soviet
Union).  So tonight we'll be showing "Lord of War" starring Nicholas Cage. 
Since it is a newly released movie, we're going to try and keep the screening
mostly in-house; as usual feel free to bring any and all friends that you have
but don't look for any posters about the movie :)

The details:

Time: 7:30pm
Place: 6-120

Also I will still bring petitions about the unfolding crisis in Nepal so that
we can get those rushed off to Kathmandu and Washington as soon as possible.

Hope to see you all there!

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