[Mitai-announce] 29 Sept Amnesty Meeting Minutes

Emily C Havens emily13 at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 30 00:41:47 EDT 2004

Hello everyone,

Tonight's Meeting Minutes:

Members present: Tarun Agarwal, Lynn Johnson, Matt Brooks, Shankar Mukherji,
Devon Manz, Bryan Newbold, and myself

I. Discussed last night's Boston Student Cluster Meeting (attended by Giovanni,
Shankar, and myself)
 - Actions and Campaigns listed below
 - Next meeting will be 26 Oct
 - e-mail mitai-exec if interested in attending 

II. Stop Violence Against Women Campaign
 - 16 Days to End Violence Against Women (25 Nov - 9 Dec)
 - More info later

III. Special Focus Case (for this academic year) : Professor Yury Bandazhevsky
 - www.amnestyusa.org/countries/belarus/document.do?id=560F78941156299080256AB1005C97C7
 - We will discuss/plan events for this at our next meeting
 - Possible collaboration with SPugwash

IV. Monthly Candlelight Vigil (for Darfur)
 - Co-sponsored by Boston Student Cluster (BSC)
 - 3rd Tuesday of every month (8 pm)
 - Shankar will reserve area (Lobby 10? no candles allowed)

V. Weekend of Faith in Action on Death Penalty:
 - 22-24 Oct
 - www.amnestyusa.org/faithinaction

VI. NE Regional Conference at BU
 - 13-14 Nov (Pre-reg deadline 29 Oct)
 - www.amnestyusa.org/events/northeastern/regionalconference.html
 - Fees may be partially subsidised by MIT Amnesty funds
 - e-mail mitai-exec at mit.edu if interested in attending
 - **A great way to keep up to date on what is happening in the NE Region is

VII. Boston CAN Coordinator Position
 - www.amnestyusa.org/business/coordinator.html for job description and app.

VIII. Devon Manz (new member) told us about a new student organization he is
starting on campus called DATA (originally started by Bono of U2 in 2000)
 - data.org
 - Debt AIDS Trade Africa
 - Contact Devon at manz at mit.edu for more information about the group

 - www.amnestyusa.org/urgent
 - Tell officials in Barbados to not resume use of the death penalty after 
   20 years without executions

And as always, stay informed with the following:


Your friendly local Amnesty Secretary,

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