[Mitai-announce] 7/26 Stand Against Repression at the DNC

Aimee L Smith alsmith at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 23 03:54:05 EDT 2004

[Farouk Adbel-Muhti, the stateless Palestinian who was
detained for two years and held in solitary for months
and was finally released a month or so ago colapsed and 
died suddenly this past Wed. during a talk.  US prisons
kill more than just liberties...   please join us to
protest for Farouk and all the people unjustly subjected
to the violence of the state.  -Aimee]  

*****  Please forward widely  *****

Demand an end to Police Brutality, Prison Abuse and

Monday, July 26
Rally  10am-noon Boston Common
March to the DNC
Rally 5-7pm Government Center

Come hear Councilor Chuck Turnor, Prof. Tony
Vandermeer, Marta Rodriguez, David Rovics, and more.

As police gear up to "protect us" from unspecified
"danger" at the DNC and otherwise, who is going to
protect us from the police who recently murdered two
men in the city of Boston?  Who will protect us from
those who surveil and infiltrate non-violent groups?
Who will protect us from those who harass, intimidate,
lie and abridge our constitutional rights?

And when we see the ugly face of US prison systems in
pictures from Abu Ghraib, are we surprised given the
beatings, torture, abuse and murders that take place
in prisons here at home?

Please stand in solidarity with all who face the
brutal repression of the US empire, as we tell the
Democrats that we are not falling for their fear
mongering.  Their war on terror and their war on drugs
are really war on people, war on communities, and war
on democracy.  In the hub of this brutal US empire,
there is no justice, just us.

Sponsored by: Green-Rainbow Party, Homes not Jails,
Anarchist Black Cross Boston, and the Mystic River
Green-Rainbow Action

contact: dncmarches at yahoo.com

Flyer can be found here:

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