[Mitai-announce] Meeting Minutes - 10/16/03

Shankar Mukherji mukherji at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 22 20:31:53 EDT 2003

Hello all,

Our (competent) secretary was out sick last week and the minute-taking job fell to (incompetent) me.
Here's what you'd be subject to all the time if I were the secretary:

Members present: Tarun Agarwal, Giovanni, Laura Colon-Mendez, Shefali Oza, David Strozzi, Shankar 

i) The first item discussed was the meeting time (currently alternate Thursdays at 8pm); maybe we 
want to move it up to 6pm?  It'd be good to get some input regarding this from the membership list.  
Feel free to send it my way (mukherji at mit) and I'll compile the feedback

ii) Human Trafficking event update
Giovanni reports that there's enough to hold an even on the trafficking of women in the United 
States, and in fact there is Congressional legislation pending on the issue.  Other groups working on
this issue include Human Rights Watch and the Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women (based here 
in Mass.).  We're looking at some sort of panel discussion, he needs some more names to contact.

iii) Death Penalty Event
This will be happening in November (~11/20), will include a panel discussion (including someone from 
the Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation).  The MVFR in particular asked if we'd be willing to
advertise this and coordinate with area schools/groups; to pursue this we assigned the following
people to contact their corresponding groups:
Mass. Anti-Death Penalty Coalition - Shankar
Tufts/Fletcher - Shefali
Harvard - Shefali, Shankar
Boston University - David
Northeastern - ?
Boston College - Shankar

We'd also still compiling speaker lists (local politicians, lawyers, law enforcement, etc).

And that was that; we all rushed back to the Sox game, had our hearts broken, etc.  See you at our
next meeting (October 30).


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