[miso-users] how to calculate fold change

Maayan Kreitzman mkreitzman at bcgsc.ca
Mon Oct 28 20:29:01 EDT 2013

Hi Yarden,
In addition to the helpful relative expression values MISO produces, I 
want to get expression fold change for a given isoform. I've been doing 
it with the assigned reads.

In the line below, from the .miso_bf file, there are 3 isoforms (0, 1, 
and 2). But, I noticed that the first condition only has assigned reads 
for isoform 0 and 1, and not for 2 (the second condition has assigned 
reads for isoforms 0, 1, and 2). Is it ok to assume that any isoforms 
not listed have 0 assigned reads?

If using assigned reads isn't a good approach, what would you suggest?


ENSG00000132938    0.62,0.25,0.13    0.33,0.03,0.00 0.90,0.56,0.44    
0.70,0.17,0.13    0.38,0.01,0.00 0.95,0.48,0.40    -0.08,0.07,0.00    
(0,0,0):37,(0,1,0):1,(1,0,0):11,(1,1,0):1    0:12,1:1 
(0,0,0):43,(1,0,0):16,(1,1,0):5,(1,1,1):2    0:20,1:1,2:2    13 +    
29598748,30002764,30002846    30077892,30077873,30077394

Maayan Kreitzman
Computional Biologist
Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
BC Cancer Agency
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4S6


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