[miso-users] No generation of .miso files after run_events_analysis.py

Beryl Jones bmjones2 at illinois.edu
Wed Oct 9 09:46:21 EDT 2013


I was able to execute run_events_analysis.py on my BAM file without errors,
but the resulting output directory does not contain any Psi values (no
.miso files). If I then summarize the output with run_miso.py (again with
no errors occurring) I get a summary file (.miso_summary) with the header
information but no events (consistent with the output of run_miso.py which
gives "Summarized a total of 0 events").

It seems that MISO is working properly and I've given it the appropriate
files (BAM, index file, indexed GFF, etc.).

Since the issue could be with my specific GFF annotation or the BAM file
itself, I was wondering how I could diagnose this problem. Is there a small
sample dataset I can use to verify that MISO is working correctly?  My GFF
should contain the appropriate isoform information, and I find it very
unlikely that the 3321783 paired mates in my BAM file don't have expression
of the isoforms present in my GFF.

Any ideas? I would be very grateful for any help!
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