[miso-users] scipy.stats.cov is deprecated

Yarden Katz yarden at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 8 14:12:53 EDT 2013

Hi Ronghui,

Could you please let me know what version of scipy/numpy you're running and which version of Python?

I'll look into this warning and update the code in the next release.


On Apr 8, 2013, at 1:19 PM, Ronghui Li wrote:

> Dear MISO developers and users,
> I got a deprecation warning saying the scipy.stats.cov is deprecated and asking for updating the code to use numpy.cov when I run "run_miso.py --compare-samples". It can go through but I am concerned this might affect the results. I attached the snapshot in the email. Can someone tell me what I should do? Your help will be appreciated.
> -- 
> Best regards!
> Ronghui Li
> Cellular and Molecular Biology Program
> Waisman Center
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> <MISO Deprecation Warning 1.jpg>_______________________________________________
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