[miso-users] Problems running MISO on cluster

Gabriel Otte gotte at mail.med.upenn.edu
Thu Jul 26 13:30:52 EDT 2012

Hi Yarden,

I'm running a job as follows:

run_events_analysis.py --compute-genes-psi indexed_SE_events/ ~/Work/raj/nanog/A1/rum/RUM.sorted.bam --output-dir results/A1/ --read-len 100 --use-cluster 

with the settings:

cluster_command = qsub

and I get the following error after loading the genes from the chromosomes:

Running batch 39 (batch size = 199)
Submitting job: gene_psi_batch_39
Loading settings from: /gpfs/fs121/h/gotte/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/misopy/settings/miso_settings.txt
   filter_results True
   min_event_reads 20
   cluster_command qsub
   burn_in 500
   lag 10
   num_iters 5000
cls.global_settings:  {'cluster_command': 'qsub', 'min_event_reads': 20, 'num_iters': 5000, 'lag': 10, 'filter_results': True, 'burn_in': 500}
  - queue: long, using queue name None
Unable to run job: Colon (':') not allowed in objectname.



Gabriel Otte
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Genomics and Computational Biology
gotte at mail.med.upenn.edu

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