[miso-users] miso file format

mykhwab mykhwab at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 23:33:23 EST 2012


I am trying to make sashimi plot using Arabidopsis genome.
but i am acing problem in making .miso files.
i can run the test data for making plot but even not able to make .miso for
test data.
what could be the possible reason.?

when i run this command

python run_events_analysis.py --compute-genes-psi indexed_SE_events/
my_sample1.bam --output-dir my_output1/ --read-len 36 --use-cluster

the errors.....

Running batch 39 (batch size = 199)
Submitting job: gene_psi_batch_39
Loading settings from:
   filter_results True
   min_event_reads 20
   cluster_command qsub
   long_queue_name long
   short_queue_name quick
   burn_in 500
   lag 10
   num_iters 5000
   num_chains 6
cls.global_settings:  {'cluster_command': 'qsub', 'filter_results': True,
'num_iters': 5000, 'lag': 10, 'long_queue_name': 'long', 'burn_in': 500,
'num_chains': 6, 'short_queue_name': 'quick', 'min_event_reads': 20}
  - queue: long, using queue name long
Unable to run job: Colon (':') not allowed in objectname
Job was rejected because job requests unknown queue "long".
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