[Macpartners] macOS 10.13 Issues: curl / changing 'Account Name' -- bad side effect

Duncan S Kincaid dsk at mit.edu
Mon Dec 4 15:11:45 EST 2017

a couple issues i’ve found which may be of interest:

1. authenticated curl (curl —cert …) no longer works. i suspect as curl is using different SSL (LibreSSL instead of SecureTransport) in High Sierra which keeps it from accessing certificates in keychain
	a. workaround: use /usr/bin/nscurl

2. changing an admin’s ‘Account Name’ in ‘Users and Groups > Advanced Options...’ control panel results in unexpected behavior under macOS 10.13 on APFS volume:
	a. the change is in fact NOT made to the Account Name
	b. the account is immediately converted to ‘Standard’ account (ie. removed from admin group) — a problem if this is (was) the only admin account on the computer!
	c. work around: do *not* use 'Users and Groups > Advanced Options…’. use dscl instead. example: sudo dscl . -change /Users/dskk RecordName dskk dsk
		be sure to restart immediately after.

	Note: if change *had* been made through GUI to the only admin account on computer, then to restore admin privileges to that account:
	a. boot into single-user mode
	b. /sbin/mount -uw /
	c. launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.opendirectoryd.plist
	d. dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership <account name>
	e. reboot


duncan kincaid
cron | mit school of architecture and planning

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