[Macpartners] 10.11.4: distnoted out of control

John Hawkinson jhawk at MIT.EDU
Thu May 12 10:21:25 EDT 2016

Under 10.10, I've seen this problem related to emacs, and restarting emacs
seems to solve it. Some vague notes at

Are you/your users emacs users?


Andy McPherson <andymcp at mit.edu> wrote on Thu, 12 May 2016
at 10:13:58 -0400 in <CAOo8nmtghwA9BavKZ1FB9BO+UoAbBKwuufkb063esUu-RUHK1g at mail.gmail.com>:

> Good Morning!
> Since upgrading many of my machines to 10.11.4 I started running into
> problems where a handful of them would consistently get incredibly slow and
> more often than not, users were greeted with a beachball when trying to
> unlock their screen.
> Via SSH I was able to find out it was the "distnoted" process (part of
> notification services) that was eating up all the CPU. After killing it,
> things would immediately go back to normal. I tried OS re-installs, fresh

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