[Macpartners] Mac Calendar does not read from Exchange under Yosemite

Chris Peterson @ MIT petey at mit.edu
Tue Aug 11 10:58:36 EDT 2015

Hi Macpartners -

I recently got a new computer (MBP, running 10.10.4) issued to me by DUE/DSL Desktop Support. The main thing is that my Exchange calendar does not work in the mac Calendar application (which I will refer to by iCal to help avoid confusion).

Basically: iCal does not read *any* events from my petey at mit.edu<mailto:petey at mit.edu> calendar. It loads iCloud and Google Calendar events fine; it even loads delegate Exchange calendars fine. I can *write* to my calendar, i.e., if I create an event on petey at mit.edu<mailto:petey at mit.edu> calendar from my work laptop, I can see it on my phone and home computer. However, if I create an event on another computer, it will now propagate to my work laptop.

Outlook calendar works fine, but I want to use iCal, since it integrates better w/ my personal calendar and the rest of the Mac.

DUE/DSL Desktop Support advised me to switch to Outlook. Called Applecare; they ran me through the basic sign out / sign in again troubleshoot, and then told me that I would need bespoke enterprise support if I wanted to get more help. At least one other colleague in admissions who also got a new machine is dealing with this exact same issue.

Wondering if anyone on this list has experienced (or even better fixed) this or might have some idea how I could proceed.


- Chris
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