[Macpartners] IS&T recommends users not use OS X Yosemite Preview Release

Isaac Diaz isaacd at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 24 14:07:47 EDT 2014

Good Afternoon,

 Today Apple released a Public Beta of OS X Yosemite (10.10), the newest operating system set for release this Fall. Information Systems & Technology (IS&T) recommends that staff and faculty wait for the public full release and not install this pre-release beta software.

Users who choose to install the OSX Yosemite (10.10) Public Beta for testing and evaluation should be aware of the following: 
Users should not install this software on production, daily-use machines.
IS&T cannot provide assistance with pre-release software, including installation.  
The pre-release software is Apple confidential information and as such you are required to keep information confidential
Do not install the pre-release Apple software on any systems you don't directly control or that you share with others
No not blog, post screen shots, tweet or publicly post information about the pre-release
Do not discuss the pre-release Apple software with or demonstrate it to others who are not in the OS X Beta Program that has not already been publicly disclosed by Apple
If you are testing the OSX Yosemite Public Beta, we invite you to provide feedback related to using Beta in the MIT computing environment to swrt at mit.edu where we can include these test results in our ongoing testing and communications with Apple. All other bugs should be submitted to Apple using the supplied Feedback Assistant.

The current, tested status of MIT applications of the OSX Yosemite release project is available in the IS&T Knowledge Base here: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/-nAYCQ. This page is available to the MIT Community and will be updated on a regular basis.
If you have any questions, please contact swrt at mit.edu.

Isaac Diaz
Mac Platform Coordinator, Software Release Team (SWRT)
Systems Engineering, Information Systems & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building W92-114PC
Cambridge, MA 02139
Important: IS&T IT staff will *NEVER* ask you for your password, nor will MIT send you email requesting your password information. Please continue to ignore any email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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