[Macpartners] 10.6 Server licenses - unlim client

John-Elmer Canfield canfield at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 20 10:26:50 EDT 2013

Don't throw them out! This version of the OS is particularly useful because it can be installed in a virtualizer AND it's also the last version that supports Rosetta. It will let you to run old "Classic" applications on the newest Mac OS.


On Jun 20, 2013, at 10:00 AM, Stephen Bryce Harper <sharper at mit.edu> wrote:

> I have nine 10.6 Mac OS X Server unlimited client licenses if anyone can use them.  With the price of the server app at $20 I'm not sure how useful these old copies are but thought I would ask before they are tossed out.  We bought mac mini servers for the hardware a few years back but used the client OS on them.  These are not retail versions, and the pack contains mac mini install media.  If you can use them, make your claim in E52-015.
> <photo.jpeg>
> Bryce Harper
> Instructional Technology Specialist
> MIT Sloan Technology Services
> 617-253-4486
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