[Macpartners] Home Directory Library is invisible

John Hawkinson jhawk at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 21 10:45:25 EDT 2012

> ln -s ~/Library ~/Lib


I think the best habits are those that work on any Mac, and need not
depend on customizations. If you customize your Mac for your own
convenience, you'll have trouble helping others. [*]

Cmd-Shift-G and typing ~/Library is what I generally use, from the
Finder and also from the NSOpenPanel (standard file open dialog box,
in any app).  Though you can omit Cmd-Shift-G as of 10.6 or
so...typing a ~ or a / automatically opens the Go To subdialog.


[*] Where the standard method is really hard or cumbersome to learn is
when we have the best case for such customizations. But it doesn't
seem to me like we've cleared that hurdle on this one. YMMV.

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