[Macpartners] OS X Security Update 2012-001

Andrew Munchbach amunch at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 6 10:33:37 EST 2012

Good Morning--

Apple has released an updated version of "Security Update 2012-001" for Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) to mitigate the PowerPC application issue.  The update is available via the software update mechanism built-in to OS X:


As a reminder: IS&T recommends that all users apply OS X security updates as they become available.  Security updates contain the latest available system software and can improve the security of your system.

If you have any additional question, please email swrt at mit.edu.

- - -
Andrew Munchbach
Macintosh Platform Coordinator
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | Systems Engineering | SWRT
amunch at mit.edu
+1 (617) 324-4571

On Feb 3, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Andrew Munchbach wrote:

> Good Afternoon--
> On Wednesday, Apple released a security update for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) titled Security Update 2012-001. Information about this update can be found here:
> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5130
> Please be aware: this update removes Mac OS X 10.6's ability to run applications that are dependent upon Rosetta.  Rosetta is a software translator that allows applications exclusively designed for the PowerPC architecture to run on Intel-based machines.  Applications and programs branded as "Universal" or "Intel-only" are unaffected by Security Update 2012-001.  It is notable, however, that older software titles may be Rosetta-dependent (e.g. Microsoft Office 2004).
> Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) is unaffected; Lion does not support Rosetta.
> IS&T recommends that all users apply OS X security updates as they become available.  Security updates contain the latest available system software and can improve the security of your system.
> Apple has been notified of this behavior and is investigating it further.  I will update this list when more information becomes available.
> If you have additional questions or concerns, please email swrt at mit.edu.
> Andrew

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