[Macpartners] cannot share photos from iPhoto on 10.7

Karen M Johnson karenj at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 14 15:39:23 EST 2012


A couple of people in this office could formerly share photos via email using Iphoto running OS 10.6.8.

Now that we are using 10.7 it does not work and they get the message attached. I tried this myself, first getting a ticket with ticket viewer and it still failed. 

The iphoto email setup gets the info from our email so that should be fine.

If you have any ideas of how to make this work using out MIT apple mail let me know. 

It is not a big issue, but we are curious if others are able to share photos via email using Iphoto on  a 10.7 machine using their MIT apple email setup.

Thanks for any advice or information.

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