[Macpartners] All Day Events in iCal

Jennifer A Morris j_morris at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 16 17:36:43 EST 2011

I followed your advice and setup Outlook 2011 and everything looks fine there.

A colleague of mine mentioned that this bug does get fixed though in Exchange 2010. Our department's accounts are still on Exchange 2007, but are being moved over next week. I'll see for sure by then and if I still see the problem I'll let you know.

I'm running 10.6.8 and the iPhone and iPad are running iOS 5.01

Jenn Morris
Digital Imaging Manager & Technology Consultant
MIT Libraries Document Services
j_morris at mit.edu

On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Andrew Munchbach wrote:

> Jennifer A Morris wrote:
>> Based on the research I've done, most people think it's a Microsoft
>> issue. Do we know if the upgrade to Exchange 2010 will rectify this issue?
> Hi Jennifer--
> I too have seen this.  I've noticed that it only seems to occur with
> all-day events that I've been invited to by those using Outlook for
> Windows.  Just out of curiosity: if you were to download Outlook 2011
> for Mac (http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/office/2011) and setup
> your Exchange account, does the event still show up as a 24-hour event
> and not the all-day tray?  In my findings I have been unable to
> reproduce this issue in Outlook 2011 for Mac, only on my iPhone or in
> iCal.  If you test Outlook and find that it shows the all-day event
> properly I will file a bug with Apple; in this case the issue would
> most-likely be with Apple's implementation of ActiveSync.
> On a side note: Apple released 10.7.3 beta 1 to developers last night. 
> One of the areas of focus listed is iCal.  This issue is, as you noted,
> hard to pin down but I will keep it on my radar.
> My Exchange setup: Mac OS X 10.7.2; Apple Mail; iCal; iPhone w/ iOS 5.0.1
> Best--
> Andrew
> - - -
> Andrew Munchbach
> Macintosh Platform Coordinator
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> IS&T | Systems Engineering | SWRT
> amunch at mit.edu
> +1 (617) 324-4571

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