[Macpartners] VPN AnyConnect & Mac Web Server

Carolyn A Fuller fuller at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 15 11:30:32 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I'm running a web server<http://fuller.mit.edu/> on my Mac desktop (http://fuller.mit.edu/). If I also run VPN AnyConnect, no one can connect to my web server. I was told to restart the web server under VPN. I tried several things to restart the web server all to no avail:

 1.  I turned off Web Sharing in System Preferences & then turned it back on
 2.  In Terminal, I issued the command sudo apachectl restart
 3.  In Terminal, I issued the command sudo apachectl stop
 4.  In Terminal, I issued the command sudo apachectl start

Nothing worked. People are not able to access fuller.mit.edu<http://fuller.mit.edu> as long as VPN is running. Also, I have file sharing turned on but that isn't working either and I have no idea how to restart file sharing under VPN.

Any ideas?


Carolyn Fuller

Senior Analyst/ Programmer

Information Services and Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Room W92-210

Cambridge, MA 02139

(617) 253-6213


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