[Macpartners] Virtual PC 7

David Schloerb schloerb at mit.edu
Sun Feb 28 14:09:33 EST 2010

Hi all,

Does anyone have a copy of Virtual PC 7 that they would be willing to give me?

The reason is that my old G4 finally died and I have migrated to a G5 
that we had in the lab (donated by a macpartner last year when I had 
a similar problem with an earlier G4). Unfortunately, as I 
discovered, Virtual PC 6 (which I used on the G4) does not work on a 
G5. I am reluctant to buy version 7 because the G5 is also "old" and, 
ultimately, I hope to upgrade to an intel-based Mac when our lab gets 
more funding. This, I believe, would make Virtual PC unnecessary.

It occurred to me that someone out there might have upgraded to an 
intel-based Mac recently and have VPC 7 sitting on their shelf, 
waiting to go in the trash. I'd be happy to give it a new home.



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