[Macpartners] Monitor Recommendation List

Gina M D'Allesandro ginad at MIT.EDU
Tue May 12 15:23:11 EDT 2009


Here is the list of monitor recommendations I received:

I really like the Samsung 24" 245T (GovConnect #8082611) for $646.00 - they also have a smaller model, the 2243BWT (GovConnect #9435730) for $263.29.

The HP LP2275w (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824176098) is a high quality 22" display suitable for color-critical editing, when properly calibrated.  Has the exact same S-PVA panel (Samsung LTM220M3) as the Eizo S2231W, a much more expensive model.  Large gamut, which may or may not be a good thing for you.

The Dell 23" and 24" displays have been working great for us on both Windows and Mac systems.  The 24" G2410 display is $239.20 at the moment, though their model numbers tend to turn over on a monthly basis.

Thanks everyone for you advice...

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