[Macpartners] VirusScan eUpdate Stall Fix

Brian Bulmer bbulmer at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 12 15:58:53 EST 2009

So there has been a lot of talk about issues with Virusscan stalling  
mac computers with the SBOD (Spinning Beachball of Death) for a brief  
time, 5-10 minutes, while it is attempting to update the virus  
definitions from their servers. Issue is that thousands of other  
computers are also trying to pull this update at the same time,  
causing a big delay.

If you prefer not to un-install VirusScan as has been suggested, you  
can always change your default eUpdate schedule to be different than  
that of the masses.
Here's a quick rundown, all this is doing is changing the default  
update time:

Launch VirusScan.app
Go to the VirusScan menu and select "Preferences".
Click the lock to make changes, Authenticate, and then uncheck:  
"Automatically check for virus definition updates"
Close the preferences window.

In the main program window select: Scheduler
Select the icon: "New eUpdate Task"
Name the task:  Daily
Date and Time:  Click [Set]
Set a random time, with any date after the current day.
Set Recurrence to "Daily" repeating every 1 days.    (Or at your  
preference, I suggest weekly or even monthly).
Click [OK] and Close VirusScan Schedule Editor

Unfortunately, the time randomization feature is not included with the  
Mac version, which I rely upon heavily on PC builds. With VirusScan  
for Windows you can set randomization to be any number of hours in the  
scheduler configuration, my default is 8 hours.


Brian Bulmer
DITR Information Technology Consultant
Information Services and Technology, MIT
Office: (617) 253-2163
bbulmer at mit.edu
Please note:  MIT IS&T staff will NEVER ask you for your password, nor  
any email requesting your password information.  Please ignore any  
email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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