[Macpartners] OD & Networking Expert?

Brian Bulmer bbulmer at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 14 11:43:30 EDT 2008

Is there anyone that feels completely comfortable with OD, hostnames,  
and network stacks in general that could assist with an issue i've  
been having with one particular server as an OD master. I've had  
continuous problems with one very picky server, even performed a  
rebuild to 10.5, and yet, still have host name resolution issues.
I suspect it's on the network configuration, or physical wiring, but  
not sure where to turn to for assistance.

Any takers? If we have professionals that do this as well, this would  
be an official MIT paid job.

Brian Bulmer
DITR Information Technology Consultant
Information Services and Technology, MIT
Office: (617) 253-2163
bbulmer at mit.edu
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