[Macpartners] Leopard and printers

Samuel Jay Keyser keyser at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 30 16:49:22 EST 2008

Dear Mac Partners,

Being an early early adapter, I cast caution to the winds and  
downloaded Leopard.  I know MIT will catch up soon, but as I said, I'm  
impatient.  Anyway, it works fine with my setup (Powerbook G4).   But  
I have discovered a glitch which I pass on to all of you.  If you have  
an older printer (I have a HP Deskjet 990cse), the built-in drivers  
only allow basic functions.  So you are in jeopardy of losing some  
useful printer functions if you download Leopard.  For example, my  
deskjet could do two-sided printing on OS 10.4.1, but not on OS10.5.1.

Forewarned is forearmed.


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