[Macpartners] APXL Documentation?

Stephen Ragalevsky sfr at apple.com
Wed Nov 14 10:21:17 EST 2007

Hi Mark,
This is not exactly what you are looking for, but you can help to  
automate content in Keynote with AppleScript.  To access the Keynote  
dictionary in AppleScript:
	1.  Open 'Script Editor' located in /Applications/AppleScript.
	2.  From the File menu select 'Open Dictionary.'

You can also use Automator as well.  Steve Hayman shows a great  
example of this in the following webcast from MacEnterprise.org:

I will see if there is an update to the APXL documentation in the  


On Nov 14, 2007, at 5:35 AM, Mark Pearrow wrote:

> Does anyone know of a source for documentation on APXL (the Apple XML
> used in Keynote) for Keynote 4 (included in iWork '08)? I'm trying to
> auto-generate some Keynote slides from existing content. If I look at
> the XML for a blank slide, it looks like about 90% of the text is for
> stylesheet info that isn't necessarily implemented in the given slide.
> All of Apple's APXL documentation seems to refer to version 1.1.
> mjp
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Stephen Ragalevsky, ACSA & CCNA
Sr. Systems Engineer
Apple Inc.
(781) 648-3548

Community of IT professionals sharing information and solutions to  
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