[Macpartners] MacBookPro / Windows Vista

Marion Leeds Carroll mlcar at MIT.EDU
Sun May 13 20:42:57 EDT 2007

Hi -

I find that even if I purchase a Mac for personal use, it's subject  
to an educational discount from Apple because I work here - cool!  So  
I'm looking into replacing my very old and misbehaving PC with a  
MacBookPro plus the available Windows interface:  Parallels Desktop  
for Mac plus Windows Vista Business Edition.

- Has anyone on this list tried this interface? Is it good?
- how/where did you purchase the software to make the Windows  
interface work? - is it available via MIT?
- has anyone tried the transfer of files from PC to MacBook?  Is it  
hard? (I don't want to lose a lot of things I have on my old PC, so  
it seems to me if I can bring a PC interface in the transition would  
be simpler -- and also I need to be able to view web pages on a PC,  
for editing purposes)

- Marion

Marion Leeds Carroll
MIT Libraries Web Assistant
mlcar at mit.edu | E25-131 | 781.646.9115

to view, and print a copy of, the program for this year's concert to  
benefit the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis.
Sponsored by Teva Neuroscience.

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