[Macpartners] AppleMail complaint

Marion Leeds Carroll mlcar at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 31 12:30:29 EST 2007

Thanks, Gurukarm!  That's a question I dared not ask! - Marion

On Jan 31, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:

> This question actually addresses something I've been complaining  
> about all along since I switched from Eudora - not the font size,  
> but the ability to edit an incoming message, either its subject, or  
> its body text.
> My reasons for wanting to do so are these: not infrequently I get  
> emails from people who've replied to an old message from me to  
> bring up a new topic, but not changed the subject line. I need to  
> keep that new email for reference, but want to change the subject  
> to match the actual topic, both for visual searching and for search  
> engine purposes. Also, sometimes I want to edit an email I may get  
> from my supervisor, for instance, to make notes to myself about  
> tasks completed or things needed to do, etc.
> I know there are very valid security and privacy reasons to not  
> allow a user to edit emails they've received, but I was spoiled by  
> being able to do it in Eudora! And it's really a work-flow issue  
> for me.
> So, can someone suggest where I can send this request to Apple?  
> They may never listen, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of  
> sending it!
> thanks,
> Gurukarm
> Gurukarm K. Khalsa
> MIT Dept. of Biology Web Manager & Sr. Admin. Ass't.
> 68-132, 617-452-3683  ::  HQ phone: 617-253-4701
> http://mit.edu/biology/
> On Jan 30, 2007, at 6:59 PM, Marion Leeds Carroll wrote:
>> Thanks for all the help I've been receiving!
Marion Leeds Carroll
MIT Libraries Web Assistant
mlcar at mit.edu | E25-131 | 781.646.9115

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