[Macpartners] percentages

Duncan Kincaid dsk at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 16 19:57:08 EDT 2006

we keep track of incoming graduate students' computing preference by  
asking them for the type of computer they plan on bringing to/using  
at mit.
we have approximately 100 incoming graduate students every year.
100% bring their own computers.,

here's a break down of the past few years:

	macintosh: 12%
	windows: 88%
`	linux: 0%
	macintosh: 15%
	windows: 85%
	linux: 0%
	macintosh: 25% (incoming 18%, switchers within first term boosted to  
	windows: 77%
	linux: 0%
	macintosh: 46%
	windows: 54%
	linux: 0%

am curious to know whether other departments at MIT are seeing  
similar increases.
and if so, whether we might leverage the fact to demand more  
institutional support for Macs (eg. keep AFS running on Citrix  
servers, official support for klpr, etc).

CRN.DUSP (course 11)

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