[Macpartners] Fetch-disabling PDFs opening upon download

Scott McGuire smcguire at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 14 16:40:07 EST 2006

At 9:52 AM -0500 3/14/06, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:
>Quite awhile back someone answered this question for me, and I 
>followed the directions at the time; however, I've forgotten the menu 
>command to look for in Fetch, and need to help someone else: How do 
>you keep PDFs from automatically opening when downloaded from the

That was me.  I'm assuming the someone you're helping is still using 
Fetch 4.0.3, because Fetch 5 does not automatically open PDFs by 

To fix Fetch 4.0.3:

* Choose "Post-Processing" from the "Customize" menu.  The 
Post-processing dialog will appear.

* Select the entry for Portable Document Format.

* Either Disable the entry, or Remove it.  (I recommend Disable, just 
in case you ever change your mind.)

* Click on OK.

Hope this helps,

--Scott McGuire / smcguire at mit.edu

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