[Macpartners] Synching the Spamscreen folder

Bill Brids bbrids at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 13 12:20:46 EDT 2006

Hello -

I have seen  a "weirdness" where AppleMail ( in this instance 1.3.11) is unable to Synchronize / View a newly created Spamscreen folder

I thought the solution was to create an additional subdirectory under the poxx.imit.edu and that somehow kicked Apple Mail into viewing the other subdirectories ( Spamscreen etc)

I tried this today and it did not work

Are there other suggestions ?

I deleted and recreated the account on the machine
I deleted and recreated the Spamscreen folder in Webmail

I would highlight the Inbox but as I tried to create other subdirs the AppleMail would state that I was creating a new folder as a child of Spamscreen ..even though we could not see it.

Sending & Recieving was fine...

( a stumped Windows user)

Bill Brids

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