[Macpartners] Fwd: How to make Safari in Tiger not display PDF files

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 26 00:50:20 EST 2006

For those of you who do not want Safari to display PDFs by default  
and would rather have them downloaded instead (like in the Panther  
days), here are the directions.

   -- Al

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matt Deatherage <mattd at macjournals.com>
> Date: December 27, 2005 5:22:21 PM EST
> To: macjournals-talk at macjournals.com
> Subject: How to make Safari in Tiger not display PDF files
> Reply-To: "MacJournals-Talk" <MacJournals-Talk at lists.macjournals.com>
> I mean at all - to force it to download them instead of viewing them.
> 1.  Quit Safari.
> 2.  Launch Terminal.
> 3.  Type (this is case-sensitive, so use upper-lower correctly):
>     defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES
>     (or:
>       defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport 1
>     note that if you use the -bool notation, the correct key is "YES"
>     because you're asking Safari to OMIT its PDF support)
> 5.  Open the QuickTime preference pane in System Preferences
> 6.  Click the "Advanced" tab, and then "MIME Settings..."
> 7.  Under the "Images" list, make sure "PDF Image" is *not*  
> checked, or
>     Safari will treat a PDF file as a QuickTime movie and let the
>     QuickTime plug-in display it.
> 8.  Close System Preferences, launch Safari, use a PDF URL like
>     <http://www.macjournals.com/special/AppleSingle-Double.pdf>.
>     Notice it downloading instead of displaying.
> Now, as it turns out, this information was all over the Web, but  
> nowhere you'd actually *find* it if you were searching for common  
> words like "Safari Download PDF" and so on.  If you search for the  
> actual key "WebKitOmitPDFSupport", though, you get lots of pages  
> with this tip.
> I didn't know it; I found it by checking out WebKit sources and  
> searching for "PDF" and using some common sense.  (File WebKit/ 
> WebKitView.subproj/WebDataSource.m, line 672, in case you care.   
> The comment above it notes that this is a "secret default",  
> complete with quotation marks.)
> To turn it back on, either delete the setting with:
>     defaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport
> Or just turn it off with one of these:
>     defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool NO
>     defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmigPDFSupport 0
> Yes, we all do slightly different things with a little bit of down  
> time.  This is my last day of it until after Q1 results (not  
> counting weekends), so I had geeky fun.  Keeps my mind off the  
> Power 25.
> I looked this up to post it on a blog I read, but since it's  
> obviously both open source and public knowledge, feel free to  
> spread as you see fit.
> --Matt
> --
> Matt Deatherage                              <mattd at macjournals.com>
> GCSF, Incorporated                      <http://www.macjournals.com>
> "What kind of apple is my head, anyway?"  -- Martha Stewart,  
> 2005.10.05

Albert Willis
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awillis at mit.edu

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