[Macpartners] russian font problems

Phyllis Collymore pcollymo at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 24 11:32:56 EST 2006


I have a user with two problems:

1)  he wants to be able to read emails and documents sent to him in  
Russian.  I installed some cyrillic fonts on his computer, but we  
only seem to have access to them via "Insert Symbol" mode.  Does  
anyone know how to make the fonts be applied to Russian documents  
that might arrive on his computer?

He has Powermac with OS 10.2.8, Eudora 6 and Office X

2)  his home computer can display Russian text properly, but his  
printer won't print them.  It is an HP laserjet 1200.  Anyone have  
experience with installing cyrillic fonts on one of these?



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