[Macpartners] iTunes upgrade problem

Tom Pixton tpixton at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 22 09:40:43 EST 2006

I'm running Mac OS X.3.9 on a 466 G4 with 1GB of RAM (works almost as  
good as my G5). I recently did the latest software updates, which  
included an update to iTunes, to 6.03 (?). Now iTunes won't work. The  
app says its loading, I get no error message, but no iTunes. I've  
been online to see if others have had the problem. Some suggest to  
reistall QuickTime, others to delete all ~.plist files from the user  
Library Preferences. None of these work. Apple says tyou need at  
leasta 500 MhZ processor to run iTuens 6.x. Is this true? Any  
suggestions? Do I need to reinstall 3.8? Thanks.

Tom Pixton
Publishing Services Bureau

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