[Macpartners] digitizing vinyl records

Charles E Leiserson Jr locutus at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 8 11:37:39 EST 2006

> does anyone have experience with digitizing vinyl records?  can i get 
> them directly onto my mac (g4 powerbook running os x.4.8)?  do i need 
> special equipment to do this or can it be done by software?  i have a 
> turntable and older denon amplifier.

There are commercial LP->mp3 devices available, but they can be expensive.  
You should be able to record without them:

You'll need to plug your turntable's audio output into the microphone jack in 
your Powerbook.  If you don't have a mic jack (a couple of the older models 
don't), I'm pretty sure there are converters from analog audio to USB that you 
can get at Best Buy or Microcenter.

Next, you'll need a sound recording program.  I've heard good things about 
Audacity (http://audacity.sorceforge.net), but I've never actually tried any 
programs.  Follow the instructions, and you should be able to import your LPs 
to pretty much any format you like.

					Be seeing you,
					- Ricky

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